Over the years IbixInsight research has played a significant role in mobilising fresh attention on inclusion, diversity, and migratory flows both licit and illicit. We have sought to draw attention to the damage that ongoing presence of legacy attitudes, generating exclusionary practices within the population bases of many countries, can play in occluding the benefits and opportunities of inward migration. The response of politicians, public agencies and populations to the fluctuating volume, diversity, and fluidity of migratory flows, has enormous impact on not only those who are the subjects of movement, as those seeking educational, labour, or professional opportunities, or those seeking sanctuary or family reunification, or those whose freedom of movement has been circumvented by trafficking, forced marriage, or other forms of deception and control.

The following reports are dip into some of the areas in which IbixInsight has played a leading part in driving forward research within the public sector. In particular our work with Local Governments, Police Authorities and Constabularies, prisons and detention centres, and Philanthropic organisations seeking to enhance the scripts of Social Justice, Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and wider active Citizen inclusion through enabling fuller participation in civic life, our worth a read. We have, over the last decade and a half, enhanced and improved local services with whom we have worked, through our research and consulting, provided effective mediation to many, produced impactful training in mitigating GBV, Exclusionary practices and culturally damaging practices, and raised awareness on the global realities of Modern Slavery locally realised down our streets, in our everyday purchases, company investments, and labour brokerages.
The team at IbixInsight has brought a range of insights and innovative solutions to enable fuller, safer participation in the organisations in which we have consulted. With the recent adoption by many organisations and governments of the SDGs as the new compass for forward social responsibility, quality educational investment, and green sustainability, we have also included some of the reports and trainings which we have undertaken recently in this area.
We look forward to working with you, should you require particular, bespoke research undertaken in any of the areas which we have expertise in across our team of dedicated researchers, trainers and consultants and our wider network of international associates.