
Ibix Insight is a training, and research consultancy, specialising in inclusion and gender empowerment, with a focus on contextual transition and sustainable solutions. Covid 19 has been a brutal reminder that businesses and organisations are their work force. Conversations which we have been having over the last two decades, now have become a real possibility with flexible and hybrid working patterns now offering further diversification and inclusion in the way we construct work in our organisations. We now have an ideal opportunity to ensure that our teams are as resilient, supported, and inclusive as possible. With face-to-face work now rubbing shoulders with IT enabled conversations, international reach and synergies of best practice are now more accessible than ever. Our team at IbixInsight ready to assist you in developing your inclusion programmes, and the performance of your post Covid 19 organisational recovery, to the next level.
Gender Mainstreaming and Organisational Transition
Gender Empowerment, Recruitment. Retention and Progression
Gender and Diversity Impact reporting
Gender Auditing
Developing Talent
Bringing Women on Board
LGBTQi ready
Immigration and Asylum Challenges
Gender Based Violence
Cultural Violence against Women – FGM, Educational Exclusions, Forced Marriages.
Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control
Tech and Education STEM
SDG 5 Gender Equality and 2030 challenge
C suite facilitation
Helping organisations get unstuck
Owning organisational purpose and direction
Navigating the Covid 19 impact
In all of the above areas