Afua Yeboah
Afua Yeboah (BSc Hons), MA OD (in practice) has accrued over 30 years working in Organisational Development and HR roles in Ghana and the UK. For the last seven years she has been based in Ghana, working as an International Senior Manager, in a consortia of multi-national matrix organisations across Technology, Oil and Gas, Agriculture, and Medical Services. In the UK as the Chief Executive Officer for the African and Caribbean Business Network, she led that organisations’ transformation to deliver business development programmes funded by the London Development Agency. Afua and Carrie have worked together on several Gender Auditing and Inclusion projects, including working in at the Serious Fraud Office, where their fifteen-year professional friendship commenced.
Afua is recognized across the organisations for which she has worked for her drive and commitment to deliver results. She is very much hands-on, personable, and outcomes focused with an understanding of enabling full participation in the workplace and steady sustainable delivery by organisations’ C-suites, through providing clear guidelines on governance and ethics.
A multi award-winning professional, Afua is passionate about Diversity and Inclusion and a seasoned advocate for Women in Business. Her board memberships have included SILA, the BBC Advisory Council, Ekuya Housing Association, and the Black Women in Business Network. She is a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programing Coach, Certified Investors in People Assessor, certified Senior Human Resource Professional, Certified Crucial Conversation Train the Trainer, and is currently completing her MA in Organisation Development at the University of Cape Coast.