Esohe Aghatise, PhD LL.M
is the founder and Executive Director of Associazione Iroko Onlus, which provides services to victims of sexual violence and trafficking in Italy. Until November 2020, she was the Chief of Party and Team Leader of the UKAID funded Stamping Out Slavery in Nigeria (SOTIN) Programme. She is a founding member of the Edo Women’s Development Initiative in Benin City, the Edo State Taskforce Against Trafficking in Human Trafficking (ETAHT) Nigeria and a Trustee of the Centre for Women’s Justice, UK. Esohe has received several international awards for her work including being honoured in 2007 by the US State Department as a “Hero in the fight against modern day slavery “and for over a decade recognised as an United Nations Expert on Trafficking. Her educational work includes having produced a short film on trafficking entitled “Journey of No Return” (Viaggio di Non Ritorno), currently being distributed across international partners as a preventive measure against trafficking.
Her academic and board work includes her membership of the Editorial Board of Dignity Journal, USA and sits on the boards of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW), CAP – France; the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA YWCA-UCDG), Italy Chapter. She is a Nigerian trained Jurist, lawyer LL.B (Hons); B.L.; LL.M; carrying a PhD in International Economic and Trade Law.