Border and Immigration Agencies

As an immediate tool for information acquisition Ibix Translate bespoke translations which can be tailored for the legislative and political particularities which pertain to borders internationally is indispensable. This together with speech recognition interpreting software now being developed in the United States is the future for producing informaton at borders which protects those who are moving across national boundaries, and those tasked to protect their borders.

With people trafficking and drug trafficking now an international scourge, the Ibix Translate tool at borders can quickly and effectively inform people of their rights, alert them to the risks of involvement with these illicit activities, and reassure those who are deemed as victims of traffickers that the state authorities have an active part to play in the resistance and dismantling of Serious and Organised Crime networks.

Head of Counter Trafficking Operation Pentameter praises mp3 packages

'Pentameters 1 and 2 could have been even more effective with wider use of Ibix Translate’
Chief Constable of Gloucestershire  Dr Timothy Brain