Local Authorities

Local Area Agreements (LAAs) set out the priorities for a local area agreed between central government and a local area (the local authority and Local Strategic Partnership) and other key partners at the local level. LAAs are about what sort of place people want to live in. The ideas behind them are to:

  • recognise that 'one size does not fit all' and local services should reflect what local people want;
  • give more flexibility to local authorities and other public sector organisations in the ways they deliver services for local people;
  • make local authorities and other public services more accountable to local people;
  • reduce red-tape and improve value for money; and, enable local people to get more involved in decisions about local services.

Ibix Insight and IbixTranslate passionately believe in partnership working between local authorities, business, national government agencies and the voluntary sector. We will research your area to map your communities needs and their potential and desire for partnership working. IbixTranslate will develop your capacity to release communication and information flow to members of your community whose first language is not English.

Do contact us if we can assist you at any level to develop these four principles of creating a more cohesive future for your authority, either through our research work in Ibix Insight or through the work of IbixTranslate which enhances your ability to communicate to all of your citizens. Contact us for more details about our work in this sector
